Saturday, March 12, 2016

Interface to Google APIs with Python

    I have demonstrated how to obtain a Google App credential of a user in the last post. And of course, you read that post because you need to create an application. This post is talking about how to use Google-API-Python-Client and its interface concept idea(of course, under my own interpretation). I will mainly use Drive API in this demonstration.

    To call Google services you need to import the following packages:
import apiclient
from oauth2client.file import Storage
import httplib2

    Before you calling a service API, you need to retrieve corresponding service with the user credential obtained by previous post. Like the following:
SERVICE_NAME = 'drive'
storage = Storage(CREDENTIAL_NAME)
credential = storage.get()
http = credential.authorize(httplib2.Http())
service =, SERVICE_VERSION, http=http)

    The SERVICE_NAME is which service you are going to retrieve, and SERVICE_VERSION is the service, obviously. The services names and versions can be seen on APIs-Explorer. You can easily click the service you want to interface, and check the prefix before first .(dot) of each API. The same service suppose to have the same prefix, that is your service name. And the version just depends on your need, it shall be in the form v[1-9].

    Now you have retrieved the service instance, let's see which API you are going to call. At the previous section, you have decide the service name with first term of API name. You are going to check what the remaining terms are, that is the path to make the API call. For example, when you are calling drive.files.list it maps to Python code service.files().list(...); or corresponds to course, the service are retrieve by different build() call.)

    And you are giving the parameters of an API with the Pythonic named arguments. The following is a call of drive.files.list:
QUERY = "name contains 'Hello'"
FIELDS = 'nextPageToken,files(id, name)'


    According the document of drive.files.list, we can simply assign the parameters with named arguments.

    However, it is not always as simple as the above. Like the API drive.files.create, you cannot specify the upload content in parameters shown in reference. In this case, I recommend you to check your API with Interactive Help in IPython(or pure Python interpreter). Like the following:
    With help(...), you are able to check all information about this function, including arguments and returned value in a very detailed way.

    After checked the drive.files.create with help(...), now we are able to make file upload(creation). Like the following:
FILE_NAME = "test_text"
mediaBody = apiclient.http.MediaFileUpload(FILE_PATH, mimetype='text/plain')
body = {
"name": FILE_NAME
service.files().create(media_body=mediaBody, body=body)
# or the following
# service.files().create(media_body=mediaBody, name=FILE_NAME)

    This is it. When I was interfacing Google APIs, I have encountered a lot problems and did a lot of googling. The above all was my notes about the package. Help it is helpful for you.

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